Friday, September 24, 2021

How to Detach from Our Writing Using Stephen King




Writers must choose between attachment to what they’ve written and detachment. Attachment means we are satisfied with our word choices and stop there. Detachment means we are always looking for better words or phrases to convey our meaning. Stephen King, in his interwoven memoir, part craft book, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, lays out his advice to writers. I’ve chosen some of his quotations to show the benefits of detachment over attachment.


Reasons for attachment or detachment


When we’re alone writing, we usually have a goal, purpose, theme, plot, or audience in mind. We write and write and write, then edit and revise. We can be obstinate or stubborn when it comes to altering the words we’ve written. This may be for valid or not so valid reasons.

   Valid reasons: They say what I am trying to say.

   I understand what the words mean.

   I don’t care what others think.

   I think or feel they are the best words I could have chosen.

   Invalid reasons: Everything else.


   Let’s debunk the so-called valid reasons.

   1. The words I’ve used say what I am trying to say.

   That may or may not be the case. It depends on your target audience.

   Do you have a target audience, or is this something you feel or believe? If it is something you feel or believe, then I have no right to tell you to change your words. Just like you have no right to tell me to change my feelings or beliefs. You or I can be closed about this, not wanting to hear or read something that might change our minds, or we can be open to other viewpoints and at least listen.

   I’m not talking here about what is right or wrong, simply the feelings or beliefs themselves. They may be based on three foundations: education and facts, prejudice or ignorance, or experience. I believe education and facts stand strong and firm unless changed by updated education and facts. Ignorance or prejudice is the lack of updated education and facts. Experience can go either way. It is a teacher but can turn out wrong.

   Regardless, assuming the words I’ve used express how I feel or what I think, they are true for me. Does that mean other people understand them the same way I do? As writers, it’s not enough to write what we feel or believe if others are unsure of what it means, or worse, are confused. The goal of every writer and poet is to be understood by the reader, whoever the reader is. That’s why every writer needs to find out their target audience.

   The key to effective writing is clarity. Clarity for the reader, not just you.


2. I understand what the words mean.

You may well understand the words because you’ve lived them, or know the definitions, or think a reader should understand them. That doesn’t guarantee a reader will. The only way to be sure is to ask. Writing groups are great for this, or a beta reader. You share your work and receive comments. The comments tell you if your words and meanings are clear or not, or if there are gaps. If you write solo without feedback, you risk not being understood. You won’t know what’s good or bad or should be changed.

   We writers write to be read. If not, then no one cares what we write or how we say it.

   It depends what your goal is. To produce something readers will understand and want more of, or to make a statement and be done with it. Anyone can share their views, which may or may not hold weight. It’s harder to produce a piece or book readers enjoy, praise, want more of, or share with others.

3. I don’t care what others think

Then you may be a writer, but few will appreciate your work, want more, or share what you’ve written. If you ignore others’ views and feelings and merely spout your own, readers will not feel a kinship with you. They will think you only care about yourself and not them. Readers need their feelings and experiences validated and recognized. The lone wolf is left in the forest alone to howl, drawing no response.

4. I think or feel they are the best words I could have chosen.

The English language has over two million words. Do you know all of them?

   Words often have more than one meaning or context, and there are synonyms with slightly different or more distinct meanings. That’s why there are thesauruses and other people, especially other writers, to help find more accurate, more meaningful words. MS Word has a Thesaurus built in. Mark Twain said, “The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter—it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” - Letter to George Bainton, 15 October 1888

   Words are symbols for something abstract or concrete, have context and syntax, and can fire one’s imagination or dull it. Words have the power to change hearts and minds or cause action.

   Let’s talk about readers.

   Every writer should write to the intelligent reader. What does that mean?

   One definition might be that reading is an active dialogue between the author and the reader, and the basic tool for learning in all subjects, entertainment, even enjoyment. To be an effective reader, comprehension is a necessity, because if one understands he or she can then construct judgment. These judgments result from critical reading; it occurs only when comprehension is fully realized. Every normal-functioning human possesses imagination, thought, comprehension, memory, and a common faculty to connect the rational mind to external elements.

   Therefore, words and phrases chosen by the writer to tell a story are critical to a reader’s absorption in it and of it. For example, if reading an Agatha Christie murder mystery, the intelligent reader looks for clues too, because they also want to catch the murderer.

   If a writer cannot detach from their word choices or phrases, they will not change them for better ones. Words are a double-edged sword — they can unite or divide the reader’s attention. The writer must choose. To do that, the writer calls on vocabulary to help state the writer’s thoughts or feelings clearly or tell the story such that the reader is invested.

   In Stephen’s opinion, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.” I agree, and wish I read more, although articles on the Internet keep me busy. Both reading and writing increase vocabulary for sure.

   He also wrote, “Words create sentences; sentences create paragraphs; sometimes paragraphs quicken and begin to breathe.” They come to life, what we want as writers, and that is not always easy to do. That’s why writing is really editing.

   And, “Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s.”

Often what is not said on the page is just as powerful as what’s there. Since we know our reader is intelligent, we know they can fill in all the things we want them to. Understanding imagination is key to writing good stories.


How Do We Become Detached?


Stephen King, one of the most successful authors in the world, has also advised writers to: “Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.”

   The reality is this: words may mean something to you but mean nothing to anyone else unless they are shared. We all need a beta reader at least, and Stephen’s is his wife, Tabitha. To be an excellent writer you must consider your reader and audience. That doesn’t mean you have to lie or hide the truth as you know it. It means you give that truth in a way that the reader can accept it or be willing to consider it. Like Stephen’s novels, the worlds he constructs and his characters are believable.

   Stephen: “In many cases when a reader puts a story aside because it ‘got boring,’ the boredom arose because the writer grew enchanted with his powers of description and lost sight of his priority, which is to keep the ball rolling.”

   He also wrote, “The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”

   And “The most important things to remember about back story are that (a) everyone has a history and (b) most of it isn’t very interesting.” That means our own or our character’s.

   When writing, our uppermost thought should be, “Does this move the story forward?” If it doesn’t, it should be omitted. To Stephen’s points above, I agree,

   Following these basic rules and others, we become detached and can look at our story objectively with the reader’s, not ours, eyes.


What Happens When We Use the Right Words?

Again, Stephen has advised, “Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well.”

   If we write to keep the reader engaged, or to sway them, or to affect how they view a thing or even life itself, or leave an impression, and our writing does that, then our purpose is achieved. If we also raise a call to action and the reader responds, we have succeeded. If we make money too, we feed our family.

   Closing with Stephen’s words, always focusing on vocabulary and word choice to determine the effectiveness of any piece of writing, he writes:

   “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others:

read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.”

   He also wrote what writers strive for: “Books are a uniquely portable magic.”  That “magic” is grabbing the reader’s attention and their imagination, for no matter how well we craft words into images, they will never be as concrete as a reader’s heart and mind.

Friday, September 3, 2021

What You Should Know About ISBNs

 Your book, to be identifiable and to be "found" by buyers, librarians, bookstores, etc. needs an ISBN. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a numeric commercial book identifier that is intended to be unique. Publishers purchase ISBNs from an affiliate of the International ISBN Agency. In the United States, that agency is Bowker. 

An ISBN is assigned to each separate edition and variation (except reprintings) of a publication. For example, an e-book, a paperback, and a hardcover edition of the same book will each have a different ISBN. The ISBN is ten digits long if assigned before 2007, and thirteen digits long if assigned on or after 1 January 2007. The method of assigning an ISBN is nation-specific and varies between countries, often depending on how large the publishing industry is within a country.

Usually, your publisher gets your ISBN. If self-publishing, you buy your own from Bowker. Just one costs 125.00. Ten cost $295.00, and 100 cost $575.00. Most likely you should buy at least ten for multiple versions of your book. You can easily see that what country your book is distributed in may require unique ISBNs.

That is unless you use Amazon/KDP or another hybrid company for self-publishers. KDP will offer to "give" you an ISBN OR you can use your own. Other hybrid companies may do likewise. In the old days if Amazon gave you an ISBN, they were the imprint (publisher), but no longer. You are the publisher, the book is in your name, and you retain all rights. With Amazon's (or others) Expanded Distribution, your book is listed or findable on or their platforms in multiple countries, probably the U.S. and U.K. being the biggest markets.

Amazon/KDP assigns every book or ebook its own number called an ASIN regardless if you have an ISBN or not. Another thing too about KDP, they don't require or assign an ISBN to ebooks, so if you want an ISBN for your KDP ebook you must own one. Because I own a block of ISBNs, I assign one to every book or ebook I publish, again, for the purpose of easy identification, especially in markets other than Amazon/KDP.

It's very important to list your ISBN on the Important Notices page of your book, along with your copyright and other info. So make sure you add the ISBN there before uploading your manuscript to a self-publishing service like KDP. A Library of Congress LCCN number is also good to have there. It's free, but you need the ISBN number to get it. Librarians use the LCCN to find books.

If an author I'm working with needs an ISBN I provide one for $60.00. I also get the LCCN for authors I work with.

A word about Barcodes: A barcode is on every back cover of every paper print book or hardcover book jacket. It has metadata and the book's price. A barcode from Bowker may cost $25-30. Again, the publisher gets it. If you use KDP et al. they get it/make it. So unless you are creating your own front/spine/back cover, you usually don't need to worry about the barcode. Retailers use/scan the barcode when they sell the book.

The above info is general, specifics may vary, but it fits most cases.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

How Writers Should "Edit" their PC

 Since you have and use a PC or laptop, it's important to maintain it. Your PC needs editing just like any good piece of writing or poetry.

  Here are some things I do to keep mine lean:
1. First thing when I go on my PC in the morning, I go to Windows Settings, Update and Security, and click Check for Updates. If any, they will load automatically. Most are Security Updates. This keeps Windows in tip-top shape. Sometimes new versions come out, for example, I am running Windows 10, 21H1. Go to Windows Settings, System, About to find yours. New versions take about 20 minutes or more to load but do it. You'll have to Restart.

2. I run virus/malware protection software 100% of the time. There's McAfee, Norton, AVG, Avast, and more. It should run on your system and check all files, and run on your browser/network. Never turn it off. Make sure it automatically updates continually. This loads new virus definitions that prevent infection. Make sure you set up scheduled scans to run daily or weekly. Run a manual scan anytime you think something weird is going on, like a black screen flicker, or pop-up messages appear. Scans run in the background and you can use the system while they run.

3. Download the free Glary Utilities 5 to quickly delete temporary files and fix registry errors at the click of your mouse. And do those often. The Pro version costs $19.99 plus tax for 1-year and comes with Malware Hunter which I also recommend and use. Malware Hunter has the ability to reduce my Ram Memory usage dramatically with one click. GU5 is easy to use, convenient, and very powerful with many other options. When you click Disk Cleanup it will find hundreds of megabytes of files that can be deleted.  
  When you run Registry Repair it will always find 2 or 3 that should be repaired, mainly Obsolete Software or File Extension problems. The Registry is Windows' index for all your important Windows and other file accesses. If you find more than a few click on the type and look at what they are. But if your system is maintained, you won't find a lot of Registry errors. GU5 also has Duplicate Files Finder (so you can delete them and save space), Empty Folders Finder (delete them), Optimize, Security, Repair System Files, Backup and Restore Options, and much more.
  Your PC is a hog, Windows is a hog, applications are hogs. They eat up your Ram and Disk space. You probably have a million files like me if you've been using a PC for years. You should be constantly deleting unnecessary files, like temporary log files or internet search files. Using GU5 will really help your PC. It is the best PC software utility I've found to keep my system clean and in top shape.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

How to Create an ebook for Amazon in 2021

 Circa July 2021 BookBaby will charge you $138.00 to create a 300 page ebook. That’s $138 wasted if you have a few hours and the intelligence (and confidence) to do it yourself. At a minimum, you want your ebook on Amazon, and KDP is their platform for doing that. Sign up for a free Amazon/KDP account here. If you already have an Amazon account, use your Amazon login and password.

There was a time when you needed deep technical skills to create an ebook. No longer. There was a time when you had to know the difference between epub and mobi formats. No longer. In the past, you needed specialized software like Canva to do so, and although Canva still exists, you can still do it yourself by following step-by-step KDP instructions. And there aren’t many of those to follow once you understand that an ebook is formatted differently than a print book.

In fact, what you need, all you need, is to know how to use MS-Word properly. All you need to do is to create a properly formatted docx document ready for upload. Most services today worth their salt, like Amazon KDP, accept a docx and they do the rest.

Writers should spend time learning MS-Word the proper way through its tutorials and Help screens. Click MS-Word Help in your ribbon, then Show Training, then select a tutorial. At a minimum, go thru the following. Each has topics you need to get familiar with. Look through them.

  • Write and edit. You can also use MS-Word’s Editor, Autocrit, Grammarly, or ProWritingAid to help as you type and edit your work.
  • Format text. Important: choose Normal for most text, Heading 1 for Chapter headings, or create and set the Style yourself. Automatically generate the Table of Contents links. Create links for other things as well.
  • Lay out pages. Set line spaces, indents, margins, gutter, mirror image etc. Do not add page numbers. Insert Page and Section breaks. Do not have any blank pages in an ebook.
  • Insert tables, pictures, and watermarks. All pictures or inserts must be jpg.
  • Save and print. With OneDrive on, you don’t even have to click Save. And you should not print a 200-page book on your printer. Staples online print services will do it for $.15 per page, or $30.00, saving you printer cartridges and paper, aggravation, and time.

Always remember WYSIWYG. What You See on your Screen Is What You Get when viewed. In Previewer you can toggle between phone or tablet views to see how it looks.

Trust it.

When your docx manuscript is done, and your ebook/docx formatted, click File in your Ribbon on top-left corner, Options, Save, and check “Embed fonts,” and Save.

Then your ebook docx manuscript is ready for upload to Amazon KDP.

Amazon KDP has three screens to complete, the first with the title, your name etc. The second where you upload file and cover or use KDP Cover Creator. On this page launch Previewer to see your epub book page by page. The third screen is where you set the price, generally between $2.99 and $3.99. You will see how much royalty you will make as you set the figure. On this page also you click “Approve” when its perfect for you. It takes KDP 1-2 days to review your submission and approve it/load it for sale on Amazon. They will notify you by email.

PS And if you do have to change something inside, you can do that, reload, and KDP will do it and review/accept it after a few days.

Creating the front cover, spine, and back cover in one document are different stories entirely and require much more effort to specify and set up. I recommend against doing that. Use KDP’s Cover Creator templates instead, since they are good enough for most purposes. Your back cover will have your author picture (small), short author bio, book blurb, and room for the ISBN/price barcode.

Then, your marketing tasks begin, actually they should have already begun before.