Monday, July 6, 2015

Giving Away your Rights

Just a few words
every writer, author, blogger, publisher, or copier 
    must know:

"_____________ Company grants you 
  a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, 
  non-transferable license 
  to access and make personal, 
  non-commercial use of the (Material) or its content 
and not to download 
  (other than page caching or unless otherwise allowed 
         by _______________ Company or permitted by law) 
or modify all or any portion of the (Material) 
  and its content.

This license does not include any resale or 
  commercial use of the Material or its contents;"

Content is King these modern times, always has been
      and it is not "free" although you'd never know
when you see company names 
      like Huff Post or Random House
and the writer's or author's name
      even if "House editors"
and the article title
      and date and time of pub

None of it is free
      not even from my source of choice

All require attribution, and/or a fee, 
      for you to use
unless a critic...
      so criticize whatever you copy 
is my advice

Add your opinion of it.

Speak your mind and heart
      don't let it stand -- 

If that is what you must do 
      to save your assets and not get sued
in this U.S. and worldwide society
      litigious as in ubiquitous
all to make a buck
      not from their content,
but from your auth or 
      unauthorized use of it

More money to be made 
      in that than the creation itself
for Content is King
      and you won't get paid for it
but may get your name in print
      for whatever that's worth...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Asking Permission

Dick my boss told me decades ago
        "Easier to ask for forgiveness
              than for permission"
as we spent millions of
     dollars of
someone else's taxes
      without asking
only telling

Today authors jobs
       tough as nails
 'cause every word  or lyric's
        been hashtagged before
and our job to twist them
         to make our own

With 17 million books
       on Amazon today
over 300k published new
and that's just here

With tweets and captions and bon mots and sayings
       quips and quotes and sound bites galore
who could ever be sure
       it hasn't been said before

I can't

So Google is best bud, my pal, my friend

And when I find
      words from someone else
I want to ask permission

But none tell you how
      not even a tweet
how to obtain
       a Right to Use
so I can make a few bucks
       using mostly mine
and fewness of their's

Writing letters to the Editor
       the Times called and asked
for sources –
       never did in past editions

Publishers and editors
       demand the same
every one
       before they'll print

When once found
       these original sources
only delay response
       perhaps emails back and forth

"How many words (do you intend to use)?
        and they have hidden magic price lists
they won't share

"Six bucks per copy
       for 3,000 words."
And I don't know
       if Mister King or
only Simon & Shuster
       keeps the dough

And the delay
       rather than money
kills the project
       unless self-published

So that's just what I'll do
       and to hell with you
who create deep bottomless
       hell pits

Sue my LLC if you
         care too

Original prose poem by Rodney Richards 7-4-15
Author's note: Based on true stories

Playing Fair with Music Lyrics

There's only one way
      to publish favorite lyrics
for money
      and that's critical review
according to Copyright Act
      section 107

What's said and used must
       be transformative
not merely derivative
        according to U.S. courts

If changing Woo Hoo, woo hoo hoo
        from the 5, 6, 7, 8s
to Wooo Whooo, Wooo Whooo
        that's merely derivative

But if saying "I never heard
        such a stupid thing as Woo Hoo,"
that's opinion
        which can't be challenged

Even tho
        I've probably called it out
once or twice hailing a friend
        but women seem to do that
more than men
        or is it "You Who?"

Whether publishing opinion
       for commercial gain
or not

So here goes, although
       admitting I hate
criticizing popular music or
       classic rocks favorites

Don't like callin' out
       musicians and singers
they work hard and good
        at what they write and sing and play
so deserve their
        sweat from labors
and box office proceeds

Sing along and hum and tap with
       Billy Joel and the
       Beatles and
Stones songs for three

Each free on MS Media Player
       every morn

But can't sell any, any, lyrics
      to make money for me,
that would be illegal
      would get sued for sure
because record labels and Tom Petty
       are ruthless

They sued Robin Thicke
       and Pharrell Williams
just to name two who lost
       over three stupid notes
to "earn" free money for
       lawyers and studios

Publishing one's exact words
      a big "No no"
causing loss of assets
      for sure
as other writers horror stories
      by Writers Beware shows

We're forced to ask some
       unknown or most popular
author or publisher for

Hard to get easily
      for all the hullabaloo and
          woo hoo,
these assholes cause

Original prose poem by Rodney Richards 7-4-15

Friday, April 24, 2015

Writing is a Process

What isn't a process?

There are instants, as in "Johnny get away from that hot stove this instant!" or moments as in "She took a moment to gather her wits," or even periods as in "The class period ended with the bell." And ages and epochs, and hours, days, weeks and months, and cycles and eons and years. All terms used to describe time: 

"Time flies. Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds. All of us want more time. Time to stand up. Time to grow up. Time to let go. Time is money. Time well spent." - Unknown quotes

And because there is time, everything is a process. A process of change from one moment to the next, from one state to another, from one form to a different one.

Change and time the two constants in this universe, because even the sun will explode or collapse eventually. Both constants yet ever-moving.

PROCESS n. 1. a systematic series of actions directed to some end. 2. a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner.

Writing is a process. Every story has beginning, middle and end. Or at least implied. Every written word, phrase, sentence, paragraph and links of paragraphs has a purpose, a point, a resolution or climax. Except life as in creation, without end; not as in our own that are finite, end-able in an instant or months or years.

And life, and time and change are action. Constant motion. Even standing still is to feel the Earth spin under one's feet.

And writing, good writing, is showing action or leading to action. Every page of a good book either showing or leading to action. For nature abhors a vacuum, abhors nothingness, there must be something in motion, moving ever-forward without end.

Even our finite lives without end if we believe.

And good writing is believable, trustworthy, honest and, and ... what you the writer make of it and what you the reader make of it. Always combining writer and reader, reader and writer seamlessly back and forth, forth and back, heading toward some systematic conclusion, even if hidden from mortal eyes and ears and hands and bodies but not from hearts and minds and -- feelings.

Good writing is action of mind, body, spirit, heart and emotion,